Fucking Do Something!

Fear Sketch

A little bit of life advice to myself for future reference: the next time you’re not feeling great – feeling lonely, sad, whatever it may be – just get up and fucking do something. No excuses. Want to sit there and feel bad for yourself? Grow the fuck up!

Sometimes you’ve got to be hard with yourself, there’s just no getting around it.

You’ve got to get up, go to the gym, and lift some heavy ass weights. You’ve got to get on that bike you bought and crush 20 miles or so. You’ve got to make a list of ideas you have that sound like fun, and start working on one of them until you can’t work anymore.

This is just how things go.

There’s no way you can ever feel 100% all of the time, but you can certainly try your best. Inaction is the worst sort of failure. It’s what weak willed people do.

“There’s too much stuff to do, I can’t do anything.”

Not with that attitude!

You’ve got to get out there and give it your absolute fucking best. Turn off Netflix. Turn off Twitter. All you need to do is get in there and keep fighting. Whatever you do, don’t give in to those feelings.

We’re just huge meat bags full of chemicals after all – are you going to let some minor chemical differences in some random region of your brain control your life? ARE YOU? Or are you going to concentrate on what you have to do, and do it?

That’s what I thought.

Now get out there, and be awesome.